Aryan & Dravidan both are in same mission - what is it?

According to a recent announcement by the Tamilnadu DMK government, no caste names will be included in educational materials offered in Tamilnadu schools.

  • Take notice that the school books that are currently available are not the same as the ones that we studied in 1980. Many personalities in Tamil history have been overlooked and are not being taught in classrooms now.

  • Straight off the bat, one could think that the Tamilnadu government has done a great job with this news. And this is something that should be encouraged. Few would even applaud the fact that the DMK has always upheld the anti-caste concept, and it's no surprise that Stalin follows the same Dravida principle of anti-casteism.

  • However, this is something they are doing in order to erase Tamil history in Tamilnadu. I'll tell you why.

  • Before going into depth about why, there are a few questions that the Dravidians and Chief Minister Mr. Muthuvel Karunanithi Stalin should address.

  • If this is the case, Chief Minister Stalin will refer to the Prime Minister as Mr Narendra rather than Modi. Mr Narendra should be the sole name written in all school texts. Is he brave enough to do it? Modi is a family name / surname, like muthaliyar, chettiar, Aiyar, kownder, and so on.

  • Chopra is also a family name for Neeraj Chopra, who won gold for India in the Olympics. Will he only be referred to as Neeraj? 

  • Amit "Shah" is a family name, will it simply be referred to as Amit.

  • Rohit "sharma", Aunshka "Sharma", Vengaya "Naidu", Chandrababu "naidu", Banerjee is all family name, Taylor is family name.. i can tell 100 of names like this... All of these surnames will be ignored as well? or is this law solely applicable to the chettiar, muthaliyar, aiyer, pariyan, and paapathi families in TAMILNADU only?

  • Forget about today's celebrities? What if, because "Gandhi" is a family name for Mohandas Karamchand, we refer to him solely as Mohandas Karamchand in all school books?

  • Bhimrao Ramji "Ambedkar" will never be referred as "Ambedkar" any more?  

  • Raja Raja "Cholan" is family name, "Pandian" is family name. "cheran" is family name, Is it correct that all of these will be referred to solely by their respective names? only without the family name? 

  • What do you think about Velu "nachiyar"? Will it solely referred to as velu? As name velu found in both male and females? As a result, my great great grandson will one day read Velu as a masculine name rather than a female name. 

  • Is it simply going to be Puli for Puli "Devan"?

  • Will it be Muthuramalingam for Muthuramalinga "Devar"?

  • I challenge Mr. Stalin to travel to Muthuramalingadevar's birthplace and tell the villages or their community that from now on, I would only name Muthuramalingam and not mention Devar, and see for himself what occurs.

  • I dare Mr. Stalin to nominate a Gounder leader to run in a place where the majority of people, for example, are from the Mudhaliar or other castes. If he does that, I'll say he's on the right track. Is he going to do it?


  • They labeled the central government as "Ondriya Arasu" and pointed out that's how it's referred to in the Indian constituency. They claimed they are doing it to the fact that DMK government is using it as a protest against the central government who are interfering in the sovereignty and affairs of state governments, which makes sense. 

  • But, What kind of blunder is this, though? This is like they are re writing the history books.

  • Will castism be eradicated in Tamilnadu by removing the caste designation from the name, or is castism just found in Tamilnadu? or is it only in Tamilnadu that people use their surname as a surname? The answer is a resounding NO. So, what is the purpose of this plan?
  • The in equality between humans is not in their names, it's in their thought processes. One should not discriminate against the other based on their caste.

Is it necessary to hate BRAHMINS?

  • Brahmins and Brahminism have been misinterpreted by Tamilians. And it is the Dravidan parties, as well as EVR Periyar himself, who are to blame for the lack of understanding. In reality, their major goal is to ensure that everything they oppose and hold as their principle are the things which they don't want to materialize in Tamilnadu. Their major goal is to not only to weaken the unity of Tamilnadu's people, but also to keep the pressure ON at all times, preventing Tamilnadu's people from understanding what is going on.

  • Brahmins are not all Indo Aryans. Brahmins are another caste or community whose forefathers were formerly Tamils, just like other castes.

  • Bagavath Geethai clearly defines who are brahmins. People are classified into castes only on the basis of the work they do, not on the basis of their birth. So, if a person can educate himself and reach a specific discipline, even the lowest caste order in the caste system can become a brahmin, the highest caste order.

  • There were many well-educated people (pulavargal) in those days, that is, pre-vedic and early post-vedic times, who would serve as counsellors and advisers to the monarch. The king will hold them in high regard, and each decision they make, whether it involves launching a war, the wellbeing of the country, or any good or bad events in their territory, will be discussed with this pulavargal.

  • So these Aryans who came to India appeared to be power-hungry individuals who desired to be included among the elite, where they could acclaim the monarch and wield influence.

  • They were drawn to pulavargal community not just because of their profound regard for the king, but also because of their skin tone. The colour of a person's skin is mostly determined by their workload and the environment in which they live. Since pularvargal was mostly connected with palaces, they possessed fair skin that was similar to that of the Aryans. So Aryans would have decided that this is the community with whom they should associate, so that no doubt would be formed in the minds of the people, and it would be easier for them to control the king and govern as Benami rulers.

  • Through the kings order they would have forced pulavargal to acquire Sanskrit in subsequent periods after they invented Sanskrit. They would have designated that Sanskrit should be used in temples and that is why it has been designated as a sacred language. They could have barred people who do not know Sanskrit from performing at temple ceremonies. Since not everyone in Pulavar community worked in the palaces, they would have had no choice but to learn Sanskrit to be able to perform rituals in the temples.

  • In India even today, there is no one who claims or mentions in the government records that their mother tongue is Sanskrit. Sanskrit was never found to be spoken by any of India's indigenous peoples. It also lacks its own script, just like Tamil or any other language.

  • When it comes to Indian languages which is spoken widely around the world by a large number of people, Tamil comes first, followed by Telegu, and then other languages. Sanskrit is only spoken by less than 5%. It's likely that not more than 1 or 2% will know Sanskrit thoroughly. This is today.  Consider what it was like back in those days. There would be a very small number of people who knew Sanskrit.

  • The Quran, for example, is written in Arabic since Arabic was the native speech of the people who lived in that region. So how could the Vedas, Ramayana, or Mahabharata be written in a language that no one in that region speaks as their native tongue? And how could that language, which is not spoken by 98 percent of the population and does not even know the ABCDs of Sanskrit, be utilised as a language of worship for their gods?

  • So it's self-evident that only certain people in authority in that region could have controlled or implemented this by compelling the 98 or 99 percent of the population to accept their decision and language. And the same pattern is being followed in India right until now.

  • As a result, whether it's the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, it's apparent to understand how Sanskrit was simply employed to mystify Indians by converting characters from the indigenous "Dravidan language." And, while translating, they fabricated mythical stories and characters to demolish some of the script's most crucial characters. Most of the stories would defy logic, and some of the characters will lack proper background or forefathers; otherwise, they would have simply stated that he comes from Agni, that his father is Sun and Moon, and so on...

  • The Pulavar community would have been compelled to transition from Tamil to Sanskrit, and that is how Brahminism would have spread, just as Tamilian's adopted other religions like Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism at different times for different reason's throughout history. They've now become so jumbled up that we can't tell who's an Indo-Aryan and who belongs to a indigenous Pulavar community anymore. And those are Brahmins today.

  • Although my assertion above may not be accurate to North Indian Brahmins, it is undoubtedly applicable to South Indian Brahmins. To support this, many underprivileged brahmin households may still be found in many communities today in Tamilnadu. Three of my closest friends are Brahmins who live a middle class life. There are some living in extreme poverty. 

  • At the same time, there are wealthy brahmins who will primarily hold positions of power in the state or country, as well as higher positions in all of the integeral systems that keep a country running. There will be a great divide between these two groups of brahmins, and the high-class brahmins will never be able to compete with the low-class brahmins. And, if you dig deep enough, you'll discover that they despise the low-caste poor brahmins. 
  • Only upper-class brahmins, who are frequently found in positions that influence how the country expands or how the state runs, are likely to be affected by the Indo Aryan mix.

  • Instead of identifying and fighting the Aryan mix, EVR Periyar and Dravida Kazhagam condemned all of Brahminism as well as the Tamil gods. All of Hinduism's gods are essentially made up of characters discovered in ancient Tamil scripts. As a result, we can firmly assert that Hindu Gods are simply Tamil Siddhars or Rishis who have gained Nirvana.

  • They caused a lasting divide between the brahmin caste and the other castes in Tamilnadu by rejecting all of Brahminism and God. In the same way that Aryans founded Vaishnavism to combat Saivism gods, and made both gods to fight between them as recounted in Tamilnadu's post vedic puranas and literatures. Dravida Kazhagam ensures that the rift grows by never allowing the south indians to think, and by exploiting situations to their advantage, they ensure that there is a perpetual enmity between brahmins and other castes in Tamilnadu.
  • This, however, only applies to middle-class and poor brahmins. When it comes to high-society brahmins, who may or may not be of Aryan ancestry, the Dravidan parties appear to be in good terms. They're all different flowers from the same basket, really. One is black in colour, while the other is saffron in colour.

  • When you consider all of the challenges that Tamilnadu is dealing now, it was these Dravidan parties that have ensured that those issues would continue to exist, whether it was the Kaveri issue with Karnataka, the Periayar dam issue with Kerala, or the Palaru issue with Andhra Pradesh. They manufactured plenty of difficulties and made sure that all of them stayed in Tamil Nadu, ensuring that south indians continue to battle among themselves. Please note that only these individuals have maintained a carefree mindset and have never taken the Sri Lankan Tamil atrocities seriously. Because their goal is to extinguish Tamils and their history for good.

  • Periyar was known as Samathuva Thanthai (சமத்துவ தந்தை), which translates to "father of equality" in English. Instead of wisely addressing the concerns one by one, he bluntly rejected all gods and worship. So one side, the Aryans, upholding sanskrit and god, while the other, the Dravidan parties, completely rejected and vilified the entire Brahmin community, which, like the rest of Tamilians, knows very little about these things.

  • Throughout EVR Periyar's life, it is clear that he has referred the Tamils as barbarians (in Tamil Kattu Mirandi Kootam). In every way, he was opposed to Tamil. He stated that he would prefer to support English over Tamil, despite the fact that English is not an Indian language. This definitely demonstrates Dravida Kazhagam's goal. They just use these for their own political gain. 
  • Periyar and Dravida Kazhagam is a Tamilnadu-based political party with no offices in other states. They have television stations in every state. Why should they battle exclusively in Tamilnadu if they truly wish to defend and fight for equality in the caste system or the gender system? If their intentions are pure, they should be doing it in at least all four south Indian states.


  • They are deleting these caste names, much as we are finding it difficult to distinguish who are Indo Aryans among brahmins now, so that in the future, it will be impossible for people to discover the indigenous origins of Tamils and their forefathers.
  • If we are to get out of this mess, it is likewise imperative for all Tamilnadu communities, including brahmins, to see that they are being used as scapegoats. People in power, whether Aryan Brahmins or Dravidian Parties, they are here to put an end to us.

Once again, i call my brothers and sisters to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.


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