•  In Telugu, they refer TAMILNADU as "ARAVA NADU"
  • ARAVAM means Pambu / Snake / பாம்பு 
  • It doesn't mean Tamilnadu is best known for snakes, Snakes are found everywhere in India

  • There was a ethnic race called "Nagargal" lived mostly in Tamilnadu & Srilanka
  • Srilanka historical book Mahavamsam clearly states before vijayan landed in then srilanka, there were people living already in srilanka and named them as "Nagar"

  • Nagargal which is Nagam or pambu or aravam and hence called Aravanadu
  • we can see lot of tamil places still named Aravakuruchi, Nagapattinam, Nagaland, Nagarkoil, which probably means these ethnic people would have lived in large number in these places
read the article in the given link -

  • This particular word is the main etmology source for many other words such as
    • Nagar + Agam = Nagarigam/civilization/நாகரிகம் 
    • Nagar + Am (where they live) = Nagaram (நகரம்)
  • Many examples of Nagas appear on the walls and along an avenue leading to the temple of Ankhor Wat in Kampuchea (formerly, Cambodia) and also in Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka (formerly, Ceylon.)

  • In the Mahabharata the Naga Kingdom is the territory of a hardy and warlike tribe called Nagas. They were also considered as one of the supernatural races like the Kinnaras.
  • In China, the Naga is given the form of the Dragon and has a direct association with the Emperor and is known as the “Son of Heaven”. The Chinese are even said to have originated with the Serpent demi-gods and even to speak their language, Naga-Krita


  • For a place that has no serpents, Tibet, they are still known in a symbolic sense and are called Lu. Nagarjuna called in Tibetan, Lu-trub.
  •  In the Western traditions we find the same ubiquity for the Naga, or Serpent. One simple example is the Ancient Greek Goddess, Athena. She is known as a warrior Goddess as well as the Goddess of Wisdom; her symbol being the Serpent as displayed on her personal shield.

  • Africa the chief centre of serpent worship was Dahomey, the cult of the python seems to have been of exotic origin

  • Ancient Mesopotamians and Semites believed that snakes were immortal
Royal fortress gate found at Hazor
now in the 
Israel Museum

Aerial view of the remains of Etemenanki

  • MESOPOTAMIA [TODAY’S IRAQ]: At the tell of Tepe Gawra, at least seventeen Early Bronze Age Assyrian bronze serpents were recovered.
  • Ancient Egyptians worshiped snakes, especially the cobra. The cobra was not only associated with Ra, but also many other deities such as Wadjet, Renenutet, and Meretseger. Serpents could also be evil and harmful such as the case of Aapep. (
The snake god Nehebkau - EGYPTIAN DEITY
  • We learn from Herodotus of the great serpent which defended the citadel of Athens. The Roman genius loci took the form of a serpent. A snake was kept and fed with milk during rites dedicated to Potrimpus, a Prussian god.The oracles of the Ancient Greeks were said to have been the continuation of the tradition begun with the worship of the Egyptian cobra goddess, Wadjet.(
Wadjet illustration from Pantheon

  • On the Iberian Peninsula there is evidence that before the introduction of Christianity, and perhaps more strongly before invasions of the Romans, Serpent worship was part of local religion. (

  • In Australia, the Aboriginal people worship a huge python, known by a variety of names but universally referred to as the Rainbow Serpent, that was said to have created the landscape, embodied the spirit of fresh water and punished lawbreakers. The Aborigines in southwest Australia called the serpent the Waugyl, while the Warramunga of the east coast worshipped the mythical Wollunqua. (
symbol of the Wagyl

  • An Indian brahmana named Kaundinya came to Cambodia, which at the time was under the dominion of the naga king. The naga princess Soma sallied forth to fight against the invader but was defeated. Presented with the option of marrying the victorious Kaundinya, Soma readily agreed to do so, and together they ruled the land. The Khmer people are their descendants.

  • The rattlesnake was worshipped in the Natchez temple of the sun and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent-god.
  • The tribes of Peru are said to have adored great snakes in the pre-Inca days and in Chile the Mapuche made a serpent figure in their deluge beliefs. (

  • ake Guatavita in Colombia also maintains a Cacique legend of a “Serpent God” living in the waters, which the tribe worshiped by placing gold and silver jewelry into the lake.
Tamilians and in the literatures always say, YADHUM UREY YAVARUM KELIR / யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர். And this post is just trying to address the one in many connections that Tamilians have throughout the different places in the world which is seen even today. This list will be ever ending. what i have given is just a tiny drop in a ocean. Even today among Indians, Tamilians when they settle in different countries, they take their god, food, language and follow their culture in those countries.

When you study all the above connections given above, you can see those. Also we can find many similarities, in their appearance, in the things that they used, in their way of worship, in their gods, in their weapons they used and one most common feature that i noticed, is just like how we get married within our community, most of these races, were also following the same tradition, of being knitted and got married within their community.

And another thing that i can commonly see is that in many places, their identity was tried to destroyed from the history books, and they are made to look like myth and stories. 

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