Nagargal - The ethnic race that was massacred around the world throughout the History of Mankind

Throughout the history of mankind, one or more races will be subjected to mass destruction at some point. Historians have documented and conserved the majority of them. But there is one race that has been massacred, and not conserved or even properly documented by historians despite the fact that they are tied to numerous literatures and civilizations that exist today. Nagas/Nagargal/Rakshas are those in question. They have been often described as tribes, deadly snakes (nagas), and asuras who kill humans at various times throughout history, they have been widely defamed and aggressively depicted as the people who are enemies for the human kind. Having said this, on the other side most of them are termed either as god or ancestors of existing god. so which is true?

In this post we will see some of the facts to support how these races were subjected to demolition with clear evidences that is available with us. I have listed few of those, and there are many scholars who have done proper research and supported these facts in much detailed way. i am just taking a tiny drop out of the ocean, to just have a overall easy understanding.

Lets start with the Indian epic Mahabharatham.

In my previous posts, we have see, who were called Nagar’s/Nagas, (read here if you haven't) and what is there relationship with Tamil/raksas/ srilanka and Tamilnadu. (read here if you haven't) 



Present day New- Delhi was mentioned as Indraprastha (இந்திரப்பிரஸ்தம்) in Mahabharata. Although its still have to be proved. Archaeological studies performed there since the 1950s have failed to reveal structures and artefacts that would confirm the architectural grandeur and rich lives in the period that the Mahabharata describes).  

Mahabharatha clearly states that it was the capital of the kingdom led by the Pandavas. It was a city built by Arjuna with the help of Krishna by destroying (burning) a forest which was earlier called as Khandavaprastha or Khandava Forest. 

Its mentioned in Mahabharatha this forest was earlier inhabited by Naga tribes (that's how the Aryans called) led by a king named Takshaka. 

The story goes on as below

Arjuna and Krishna cleared this forest by setting up a fire. The inhabitants of this forest (?) were displaced. (killed) It is said that Agni, the god of fire needed to burn down the forest so that he could satisfy his hunger. There was no other thing that would have satisfied his hunger. But each time, he put up a fire there, Indra made it rain and the fire was put to a stop. So in disguise, Agni approached Krishna and Arjuna and asked for help. The Mahabharata states that Indra was the protecting deity (deva) of Khandava forest, which is why the region was known as Indraprastha. When the forest was being burned, Indra attacked Arjuna with his bolt (vajra), injuring him. But finally Arjuna defeated all gods, Gandharvas and demons in that fierce battle and burnt the entire forest. (

  • This is clear evidence for Naga was already occupying the North of India, and there was a ruler (king) too. 
  • The ruler name was Takshaka. Takshaka is a sanskrit word for "carpenter" and is an alternate name for the Nāga, a non-Indo-Iranian people of ancient India.
  • Below is the statue or deity of the king Takshaka. Have a look.
  • Look at the image, they have confused it by putting the Namam (to show it as a Mahavishnu)
  • Takshaka (Sanskrit: तक्षक Takṣaka) is a Nagaraja in Hinduism and Buddhism. (
  • Takshaka was the king of Taxila which is presently placed under UNESCO and it is in the land where Indus valley civilization existed about 32 km (20 mi) north-west of Islamabad and Rawalpindi in current Pakistan. 
  •  University of Ancient Taxila was considered to be one of the earliest universities in the world, in contrast to the later Nalanda university in eastern India. (
  • Look at the foot, The image at the top deity and below picture, shows how tall the deity is and the normal human beings are depicted. Look at the foot how big it is in the below picture which is taken in the present Taxila remains. And all the discovered statues, head portion have been purposely destroyed, so that it wont be easy for people to identify as king of naga, as they will def have 4 or 5 headed snake on their head.
  • Its also known that King Takshaka is considered as one of the 8 great dragon kings of Chinese and Japanese. (click here)

  • As a result, this indirectly confirms as evidence that the Indo Aryans (Arjuna) massacred the Nagargal, who were the native people of then-New Delhi / Indraprastha / Khandavaprastha, which they mockingly referred as a forest so that the nagargal could be easily identified as tribes in the forest.

Evidence 2

  • And not after the forest was burnt, even before that the region was known as Indraprastha since Indra was protecting that place. And in the above story in Mahabharatha, you can see, that Indra name is mentioned as rain god and he came to save the forest or to help the king Takshaka.
  • Name of Indran is repeated in Rig veda at many places, and its quoted in Mahabhartha too, but when you ask them for the origin, they say its unclear.
  • Post vedic period, Indran was wrongly depicted in many places. 
  • So its clear that, Indo Aryans didn't like indiran god, but also it was difficult to demonize him and to make him a raksha or tribal god because of his presence and importance in many scripts. 
  • Indiran is worshiped not only in India, he is widely worshiped in Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines and also Myanmar.
  • He is also associated with Thor of Nordic and Germanic Mythologies. So they tried to ruin his character and often depicted and associated him with his drunken habits and adulterous ways.
  • I clearly cant understand, how a Godly figure can be depicted with such behavior. So its clear that Indo Aryans wanted to defame him because they don't like him for some reasons, what could be the reason?
We will continue it in my next post.

Note : I am writing this in English because, Most of our scripts and historical evidences are written in Tamil, and hence, it could not be read by other group of people, who are forced to read those that is been pushed by the conventional media's. Having said this, many of people living in Tamilnadu, are also not aware of this myths that was created by Indo Aryans and it was made sure through Dravidan parties in the name of opposing it, thereby Tamilian's didn't get the opportunity to read and understand the real scripts. 

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