Nagargal - A community's History Purposely Rewritten? Massacre Continues.

We saw in a previous post ( click here to read ) that Serphant worship was practised in Tamilnadu, which was given the name Aravanadu (Aravam means snakes, Nadu means land or region). Serphant refers to those who had reached enlightenment or Nirvana and were referred to as Nagargal. And we've already proven that the word Nirvana has a Tamil etymology ( click here to read more ). We've also discovered that Snake worship is practiced in many other civilizations ( click here to read ), including ancient Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Australia, and Athens & Greece. This nagar community is also visible to individuals living in north India, as recounted in the Mahabharatha ( click here to read ). As proof of this, Naga Panchami is still observed as an important event in Nepal and other north Indian states such as Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. Serphants are worshiped in Nagpur, Punjab, Westbengal, Orrisa and Assam as well. Nag Panchami Poster - an example of one that is ...