Ram and Abraham/Ibrahim (peace be upon him): One Person, Two Names

Ram and Abraham/Ibrahim (peace be upon him): One Person, Two Names Dr. Javed Jamil 23 Feb 2018 Ram of Valmiki Ramayana same as Abraham of Bible Rama is perhaps the most important and revered figure for Hindus. Abraham is the patriarch of all Semitic religions and is the symbol of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Interestingly when we read the story of Abraham in Bible and the story of Ram in Valmiki Ramayana, the resemblances are so striking that one cannot remain but convinced that they are one and the same figure. I had prepared a small paper on the subject in 1990 but deferred its publication because I thought the time was not right for it. I discussed the issue with Mr. Bharat Jhunjhunwala, renowned Economist and Hindu philosopher, and when he studied the matter, he was more than convinced about the oneness of both the figures and started working on a book about the common prophets of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The difference between him and me rem...